Start your engines for the whimsical car garden spinners! These four-wheel buggies are the cutest cars on the garden club race circuit. Super simple to assemble, youll have these spinners outside faster than a NASCAR pit stop! All Car Spinners are constructed with durable SunTex fabric and include vibrant panel-rimmed wheels for maximum colors-in-motion!Size: 25 x 20.5 in. diameter: 7.75 in.
1982 State Road 44 PMB 107, New Smyrna Beach FL 32168 (Business Address - Online Sales Only) Copyright© 2003 All Rights Reserved. is a service mark of FunWithWind, Inc. Premier Kites, go fly a kite, Prism, HQ, and High Quality Design and their trademarks are the property of the respective company and have no affiliation with Web Design by Webaxis, Inc.The small business choice for web hosting and design